
Wounds come and go
Exist in all kinds of shapes, depths and pains
People have all kinds of them
Some are deep
Others just leave a bruise
Some heal easier
And others don’t never really heal
Wounds may kill you
Or leave a sorrow
Some carry their wound everywhere
Sometimes they are hard to hid
May not cover up by a mask
Healing wounds little by little
As they still hurt when they are healed
Some heal by time
Others heal by heart
Some wounds never heal
And some more quickly than you think
What is worse new wounds that strikes at the moment?
Or old ones that should have healed years ago but didn’t?
All wounds teach of something
Reminds us what we done
Who we’ve become,
What we can expect
And what to avoid
Wounds may write history
In your life or others
But you never forget a scar
Burnt into your soul

Några delar är tagna från Grey's anatomy, fast det mesta är skrivet av mig^^


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